Sunday, May 19, 2013

பறையர்கள் திராவிடர்கள்/ தமிழர்கள்  அல்ல அவர்கள் திராவிடர்கள் / தமிழர்கள் இந்த மண்ணுக்கு வருவதற்கு முன்பு வாழ்ந்த  மூத்த குடிகள் என்று மானுடவியல் ஆய்வாளர்கள் சொல்லுகிறார்கள். 

 "There is a strong probability that the outcasts were the survivors of the conquered peoples, who, as caste tended to coincide with occupation, became the drum-beating, leather-working, and farm labouring classes to which as serfs they had been relegated from early times. They were not the races conquered by the Aryans; the Paraiyans belonged to the aborigines who were conquered by the Dravidians and being of a different race they were not admitted to the totem of similar clans with which marriage is always intimately connected, since that would have led to free intercourse and the gradual degradation of race."   Mr.Stanley Rice - Hindu Customs and Their Origins

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