Thursday, December 20, 2012

பத்து ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்னர் ஜூலை 19, 2002 அன்று எழுதியது. 

Are they Leaders of Dalits or Followers of Shudras?

Many Political leaders claim to be Dalit leaders by following Hindu
Shudras. These so-called Dalit leaders suffer by ideological as well
as identity crisis. They claim that they are fighting for the rights
of Dalits but many times they struggle to remove the power of
Brahmins and establish the Shudra power. The Dalit movement in Tamil
Nadu was suffered due to this confused leadership between 1960s and
1980s. Many leaders, including Ms. Sathyavanimuthu, the President of
Dalit women wing of Scheduled Caste Federation, had left Dalit
movement and merged with Shudras' Dravidian movement. Many
individuals enjoyed the minister post under the Shudra rule. But the
Dalit movement suffered due to the ideological and leadership crisis.

It is only in the 1990s Dalits in Tamil Nadu reviewed their
independent identity, ideology and leadership which was initiated by
the great leader Thaatthaa R. Srenivasan. The Adi-Dravida identity
was to differentiate the Dalits from the Dravidian identity of the
Shudras. It is not Dalits claimed Pre Dravidian identity just for the
political purpose but it was historically and ideologically
substantiated by many European and Dalit Scholars of that time.

But even today the Dalits leaders suffer due to the confusion created
and propagated by the Shudra intelligence of Tamil Nadu. Some of the
Dalit leaders and intellectuals are conflicting themselves with two
ideology and identity i.e. Dravidian/Tamilian and Dalits. They are
still patronized by the Shudra intellectual and leaders.

LTTE is the Shudra dominated terrorist organization, which is
fighting for the separate country for Tamils (Shudras) in Sri Lanka.
Many Shudra led organizations, which are fighting for Tamil
Nationalism in India too. Supporters of these organizations get the
support from LTTE and support LTTE. Now Shudra leader Viko has been
arrested under POTA for his crime of openly supporting the terrorist

There are some of the Shudra trained Dalit leaders also support LTTE
and separate Elam in Sri Lanka. What is the purpose of supporting a
Shudra led terrorist organisation or Shudra demanded Tamil Elam. Do
Dalits get any support from this organization? Will Dalit get any
benefit if Shudra get separate country in Sri Lanka or India? Dalits
are exploited by these Shudras, not only in the working place or
villages in India and Sri Lanka, but also in the battlefield. Many of
the grass root terrorist activities are Dalits. They are not only
used but also misused on the name of Tamil sentiment by the Shudra
Tamils. The Dalit women are exploited by the Shudra Tamils in
villages and tea estates. Whoever rebelled against the Shudra
hegemony is crushed in Sri Lanka by the Shudra led LTTE. EPRLF was an
organization, which took the issues the Dalits and other poor,
especially the plantation laborers in Sri Lanka. EPRLF was Dalit
dominated organization, which was getting popular among Dalits. This
was crushed by the Shudra led LTTE. Many activist including its
leaders were killed by the Shudra led LTTE.

Shudra Tamils' organizations have no agenda of Dalit liberation like
Indian nationalist during the British period. Those days Dalits were
not interested of India's independence, because they knew that if
British go out of this country, there would be no one to protect
Dalits from the Hindu oppression in India. After British had left
India the Hindu propagandist succeeded to put Dalits under the Indian
illusion for forty years. This was realized in 1990s and now Dalits
are going out of the country to seek support from Inter national

The same logic may fit into this so-called Tamil Nationalism. If
Tamils get separate country in Sri Lanka or India, what would be the
consequences of Dalits? Will Dalits get any benefit out of it? It
will be the same dream of some untouchables who went behind the
Congress and Gandhi believing that as soon as India gets Independence
the problems of Dalits would be solved. Followers of those Harijans
are now propagating that Dalits have been benefited because of the
independence. They fail to recognize the role of British welfare
state and the Dalit movement in British as well as the present caste
Indian rule.

These Brahmanical as well as Shudra trained untouchables call British
period as colonial period. They fail to understand that the Dalit
liberation was started only in the British period. The Dalits could
mobilize and organize themselves to fight against the Brahmanical and
Shudra hegemony under the protection of the British welfare state.

The same thing is happening with some confused Dalit leaders as well
as some so called Dalit intellectuals. They claim that they are Dalit
leaders or intellectuals, but speak the same thing what the Shudra
speak. Some of them use same typical terminologies of the Shudras.
These Dalit leaders as well as intellectuals should realize the Dalit
potentials and recognize their own capacity and leaderships.

Dalits should take a different stand to protect the interest of
Dalits in Sri Lanka. The problems of Dalits in Sri Lanka should be
addressed to the International community. The Dalits in Sri Lanka
suffer more than Shudra Tamils. Dalits suffer not because they speak
Tamil but because they are Dalits. Both the casteiest Goigamas
(Singalas) as well as Tamil Shudras suppress the Dalits in Sri Lanka.
Both Indian and Sri Lankan governments are silent about issues of
Dalits. Many of the Dalits are neither citizen of India nor citizen
of Sri Lanka. They do not enjoy any rights as human beings, same as
Dalits in India with the so-called citizenship. The Sri Lankan Tamils
consider Dalits as Indian Tamils and hence outsiders. The Sri Lankan
government calls them illegal immigrants. The Indian government
considers them as non-citizen. Where will Dalits go and who will
protect their rights? It is the duty of international Dalit community
to raise the voice for Dalits in Sri Lanka. It is the duty of the
Dalit leaders to take different stand as Dalits, and fight for the
rights of Dalits in Sri Lanka. (Fri Jul 19, 2002 2:00 pm)

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